Friday, December 10, 2010

A Coveted Christmas Wishlist

With my last Gloss Posse entry written over five months ago, I've decided to jump back into the world of Gloss Posse online socialising and kick it off by sharing a fantastic competition I've just discovered! The only down side is that this competition ends tomorrow so you better start clicking!! So in true Christmas cheer I'll now share how you can be in the chance to win a $5000 Covetish Wishlist..

I discovered this special competiton through the Covetish website and it's actually a lot of fun - slightly dangerous fun! Because now that I'm in the process of selecting amazing designer pieces to go into my wishlist I've also fallen in love with a lot of them along the way! The competition is unique in that you open a 'Wishlist' account with a 'credit' of $5000 where you can browse through hundreds of beautiful fashion labels and select all of the items you wish for up to the value of $5000. From leather handbags to swimwear, cocktail dresses and heels and designer labels such as Zimmerman, Ruby Rose, Tigerlily, Peeptoe, Kuku and Seduce its a great way to find some online bargains as well as try your luck at winning them!