Friday, July 20, 2012

a light bulb moment

a light bulb moment: when an idea sparks in your mind and you start seeing colour again

That's how I'd best describe my recent light bulb moment anyway. I'm really excited because for the first time in a while ideas and inspiration is flowing and I have some fun goals in the pipeline. Firstly, I've decided it's time to revamp Gloss Posse and evolve. I can reveal that soon I'll be changing the name and hope that you'll enjoy my new direction! I've been blogging on and off since January 2010 - 2 and a half years!! - and its been a great outlet for my passion of writing. 

Part of the reason why I've decided to move in a new direction is from a recent weekend away in beautiful Montville on the Sunshine Coast. I don't think I've ever need a holiday so much and being surrounded by rainforest, birds, fresh air and views over mountains out to the ocean reawakened my heart and gave me a lot of clarity. Maybe it was the decadent Maleny cheese and red wine haha but I felt so relaxed and refreshed - my creativity has been kick started again. 

Northey St Markets, Brisbane

Another aspect of my life that's evolving is embracing vegetarian food! Over the past couple of weeks I've started to make a shift into the world of eating raw organic fruit and veges and although to date I haven't cut out eating meat all together (yet) I feel the good that it's doing for my body and soul. I did my first grocery shop at the Northey St City Farmers Markets two weeks ago and snacked on raw almonds like a hippy while I filled my bag up with delicious leafy greens and vegetables. I can honestly say that I stuck to eating only veges and fruit for 4 full days (I made my poor fiance Joel say no to meat too and by the fourth night he was digging around the stir fry looking for chicken) but we really started to feel great! Then on day 5 we had a bit of meat and went on our holiday... so the vegetarian eating went out the window haha.

Chai cafe at the Northey St Markets (organic soy chai! yum)
Our fridge full of delicious and healthy food
after shopping at the market
Now I'm back on track and will head to the Northey st markets tomorrow to commit to raw food, and I'm also armed with a very inspirational book which I just ordered from the UK book depository called 'Live RAW' by Mimi Kirk. 
Mimi Kirk
Mimi Kirk is very inspirational and at 73 years of age looks amazing. A vegan for 40 years and only a Raw foodist for the last 3 years, Mimi says, "Feeling like you’re in your 20′s at 73, is quite an amazing thing. I accredit this youthful look and spirit not only to my attitude, but really to my way of eating which is a raw vegan – living foods lifestyle... so many people asking my secrets on health and longevity, I thought this was an opportunity to share my life and possibly help others to transition into eating a plant based raw food diet." 
Raw food is about eating 'living food', and to be honest it's a bit of a journey for me so I'm currently researching recipes and more on how I can improve my health and lifestyle, so that's also a hint on where my new direction is going :) It's about eating food in its most natural and freshest state, uncooked (not cooking it over 118 degrees F), unprocessed and organic. I love to cook and prepare food and plan on being as creative as possible along my raw food journey. Mimi writes, "Raw food is not "rabbit food". Raw food includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, grains, seaweed, spices, herbs, oils and sweeteners, all in combinations that excite the palate." (Live Raw, 2011 p2) So I look forward to this new lifestyle challenge and will keep you posted when my new blog begins! 

Arielle x
Portobello mushroom stuffed with basil pesto - Mimi Kirk

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