Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Australia's Sarah Prout! online media socialite / entreprenuer / published author

I first heard about Sarah Prout when I picked up her book at the Brisbane City library titled, 'SPROUT the Life You Love' in 2009. It was such a refreshing read and really resonated with the way I looked at the world. Since then I've checked back onto Sarah's website, read her other books and watched her online empire grow from strength to strength. Now with the release of her latest book, 'The Power of Influence' I wanted to share Sarah's positive energy, success and talents on Gloss Posse...

How do you best describe yourself?
I'm a creative person, a little quirky and always inspired by success principles and metaphysics. In other words, I'm a self-help junkie that loves personal development and vibrant ideas.

When did you first discover that you wanted to be a published author and how did you make it happen?
I've always wanted to become a published author. For as long as I can remember I'd have secret fantasies of seeing my books on the bookstore shelves. And then one day it happened!

In 2006, I was invited to contribute to a compilation book called The Path to Success which featured leaders in the field of personal development such as Dr Wayne Dyer, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. That book was an instant bestseller. And then in 2007, I created a publishing company and self-published my own compilation books that featured amazing A-list female entrepreneurs from around the globe.
And in 2010, I landed a book deal with the largest business publisher in the world (John Wiley and Son). I guess the secret is to keep holding your dream in your awareness and work towards your desired outcome.

Can you share with us some of your favourite experiences as a social media entrepreneur?
I love social media. Some of my favourite experiences include tweeting with Ashton Kutcher and of course meeting the love of my life (Mr. Sean Patrick Simpson). I see social media and the number #1. tool for the new currency of connection online.

Who/what inspires you at the moment?
Gratitude! That's the theme I've really connected with so far in 2011. I've been inspired by gratitude before but I want to take it to a whole new level this year. There's a special power in being grateful that I'm teaching my students in my 8-week Adventures in Manifesting program. Actually, I'm really inspired by my students and my clients - they always amaze me how tuned in an fabulous they are.

Your latest book, 'The Power of Influence', has been flying off the shelves! Can you tell us a little more about this book and its global success?
The book is all about how to create a business you love using social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. I'm so thrilled to hear the feedback from people that read and enjoy my book. It's so awesome to get emails from readers in Denmark, Portugal or the USA.

I'm really delighted to announce that it's being translated into German now for European distribution. I think the main appeal of The Power of Influence is that I've written it from an authentic and heartfelt perspective. Lots of people tell me they can read the book in a single day because it's easy to absorb the information. 
What are your dreams for the future?
I have some top secret projects going on behind the scenes at the moment which are so exciting! I guess my dreams for the future include the success of one particular project and also to buy my dream home somewhere in the world.

I also want to buy a Maserati.

What advice can you give to people wanting to become a published author?
Keep writing! I would suggest that if you want to be a published author you need to LOVE writing. And if you're truly passionate about what you're doing then keep visualizing your desired outcome. Always stay on the look-out for opportunities and connect with great resources that can give you excellent advice.

Thanks Sarah! You can find out more about Sarah at Sarahprout.com and follow her on TwitterFacebook. I can't wait to get a copy of The Power of Influence!


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